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Exclusive 1 on 1
Private Consulting

Work With Me 1 on 1 – As Your Health Optimisation & Longevity Coach

Are You Ready To Take Your Life To The Next Level?

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Are you ready to learn how to utilise the latest longevity supplements, peptides, cutting edge therapies, and latest testing techniques to become superhuman?

I created my 1 on 1 coaching programme to help you implement a custom protocol specific to your needs. More importantly, I hold you accountable for the results.

I will help you to keep your mind on track and get you ready to take on the biggest challenges of your life, to be the best you can be.

Genetic Analysis (using PH360) 

Genetic analysis is a critical part of creating an effective personalised program based on your specific genes and unique needs. Here’s what you can expect from this assessment:

  • Lifestyle Adaptation: Learn how to adapt your lifestyle for optimal results based on your unique genetic makeup. This includes food and nutrition guidelines, recommended types of training, and the best times of day for you to train.

  • Personality Insights: Gain insights into your personality traits, leveraging your natural strengths and implementing strategies to improve your weaknesses.

Optimal Environments: Discover the most suitable physical, work, and social environments for you to thrive in.

Functional Medicine
Testing and Analysis

Based on your unique genetic makeup and health optimisation goals, I will recommend functional medicine tests that might benefit you.

Examples of functional medicine testing (non-exhaustive list):

  • Nutristat 

  • Microbiome Test

  • DUTCH Test

  • Thyroid Panel

Functional medicine testing is a crucial part of the health optimisation puzzle, providing the hard data needed to help you become the best version of yourself.

Access to My Network Database

You will gain special access to my extensive international network of world-leading doctors and scientists. (Consultations with these practitioners will incur an extra cost and depend on their schedules.)

You will also get access to my practice colleague Georgia Ferris who will guide you through our Genetics programme and special access to my huge international database of world leading doctors and scientists


What Does It Cost To Work WIth Me?

$10,000 NZD
Approx. $6000 USD
(Exchange rate dependent)

6 Month Programme
(Functional medicine testing and supplementation is an extra cost)

Functional Medicine Test Bundle (optional add on)

You will have the opportunity to add a $3,000 NZD testing bundle to your package. This budget will be used to acquire relevant and ongoing testing as required. 

Ready to get started?

Are you serious about taking your life to the next level?

Click Apply Now To Fill Out The Application And See If you Are A Good Fit