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Everyday Supplements for Longevity with Dr. Elizabeth Yurth

Transform Your Health with Daily Supplements 

In this episode of Pushing The Limits  I am joined by my very good friend and world renown cellular health expert, longevity specialist and orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Elizabeth Yurth (MD, ABPMR, ABAARM, FAARM, FAARFM, FSSRP) of the Boulder Longevity Institute.

Locked away in a vault somewhere deep inside the Boulder Longevity Institute lies the secret everyone wishes they could get their hands on – the supplement routine of Dr. Elizabeth Yurth.

As Co-Founder and Chief Medical Officer of BLI, clients and non-clients alike long to know what perfect blend of supplementation Dr. Yurth uses. Someone in this position must have it down pat!

Well, the disappointing answer is: One size does not fit all. What suits the current lifestyle, biology, and needs of Dr. Yurth may be a far cry from the needs of other individuals.

We are all unique, and alas, so are our supplement requirements. However Dr. Yurth does offer an overview of supplements that are beneficial to virtually everyone.

When it comes to finding an appropriate selection of more generalised supplements, the key focus points include:

  • Cell Membranes

  • Gut

  • Mitochondrial Health

For those who are looking to reach a solid baseline that promotes health and longevity, these daily supplements could be the answer.

As always, we remind that every individual is different, and you should consult with a physician before starting any new health routines.

Dr. Elizabeth Yurth Bio

Elizabeth Yurth, MD is Co-Founder and Chief Medical Officer of Boulder Longevity Institute, where she has been providing Tomorrow's Medicine Today to her clients since 2006.

Dr. Yurth obtained her Medical Degree from the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine, completed her residency at the University of California – Irvine, and her Fellowship in Sports and Spine Medicine from Stanford-affiliated Sports Orthopedics and Rehabilitation (SOAR) in Palo Alto, CA.

Along with her 30 years as a practicing orthopedist specialising in sports and spine medicine, Dr. Yurth has made it her mission to learn and share the latest scientific research on how to truly heal the body at the cellular level.

She is Fellowship trained in Anti-Aging, Regenerative, and Cellular Medicine and has completed +500 hours of CME training focused on Longevity, Nutrition, Epigenetics, Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, Regenerative Peptide Treatments, and Regenerative Orthopaedic Procedures.

You can reach out to Dr. Yurth or her team at: www.boulderlongevity.com

Longevity and Anti-aging Supplement range:

🌱✨ Explore a wide range of science-backed formulas at shop.lisatamati.com

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Relentless - chronicles the inspiring journey of how my mother and I defied the odds after an aneurysm left her with massive brain damage at age 74. Get your copy here shop.lisatamati.com/collections/books/products/relentless

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