How to stop fear ruling your life
Does fear limit you and stop you reaching your full potential?
If you want to learn how to take control of your fears and to move forward despite them let Coach Lisa, who has faced her fair share of terrifying moments in life, share her insights
For more information on Lisa's holistic run coaching systems and to download her free "How to run faster, stronger, longer without burnout and injuries" go to WWW.RUNNINGHOTCOACHING.COM/EBO...
For more information on Lisa's MINDSETU - an online course on developing more mental toughness, emotional resilience, leadership skills and never quit mentality visit
Lisa also has an Inspiring sports jewellery collection made by an athlete for athletes and is also a professional speaker, podcaster @ Pushing the Limits" and runs a number of programs and retreats. Visit
WWW.LISATAMATI.COM for more information